Friday, October 30, 2009

Chinese Spirit Culture..

Ok .. I should be posting this much early.. haha.. but I don’ have the picture so I couldn’t.. nevermind.. I snatched some picture from keryn’s blog.. we got the second for our dance competition..haha.. these are some pictures below..^^..the competition was held in June if not mistaken.. not important for the date la.. XD.. umm.. we really trained so hard for few month for that competition..
That night, we were all so nervous and many Arang Knights came to support us.. we had waited for hours as our performance was the last..tiring zzz. .however, we did our best and we got second.. Smk baku got the first..haha .. We danced Boa’s song- Eat You Up.. and the champion danced Rain’s song- Rainisnm

Boa VS Rain

This is the stage we were going to dance on that night ...

Practicing at the staircase in the morning before the rehearsal ~~

Acting COOL!! but actually very nervous..zzz ( before the competition )

Yea !!! Soulless the best !!
Boa (Arang) VS Rain (Baku)

Thursday, October 8, 2009


this is me!!

Dream ~

It was 9.30 p.m after I did my revision,
I became more lazy even next Monday is my exam day,
I watched television programme,
So damn!!
Nothing to watch at all,
Of course I sms with friends too,
It was then 11.30 after I decided not to watch television at such a late time,
My godbrother also not yet slept that time,
We chat a while for Friday’s plan,
But due to some reason,
My plan cancelled,
After half an hour,
I decided to sleep ( 12.00 a.m)

I closed my eyes,
What I saw was a dark vision,
Yes, it was a dream,
A few minutes passed,
An image came in front of me after the dark vision turn a bit blur and change more clearer,
I saw some friends,
Some were laughing,
Some were crying….

What place am I now ??
I asked myself,
I was in my school,
no more in uniform,
I heard my name,
It was my form teacher calling me.

“ lester, ini keputusan kamu ! “

I took that piece of paper from her hand,
I shivered,
My feeling change from nervousness to sadness,
My parents did not speak a word,
Not a smile on their face,
But the feeling of disappointed,
I got no A’s,
I never know I would get that result,
At least I can get A for mathematics,
But I don’t.,
Tears brimmed at the edge of my eyes.

I rubbed off my tears,
Then I realized I had woke up,
And it was already nine something,
I woke up late,
Continue my “duty” again,
That is study!!

Will that dream turns into my real life ??
Is that the result I will be getting for my SPM ??
I don’t know..
Wait to be released from these anxiety..
Eat barbiturate!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


“ Spm is coming soon “
This is what I can hear around me..
I know !! It is coming soon..
Nervousness filled my soul..
The feeling is haunting me..
I don’t want to feel it ..
I wish to jump out from this feeling..
Who can I ask help from..
Only God knows how I feel…
My life filled with boredom..
I face all the reference books everyday..

Craps !!
I hate to study whole day..
My godbrother told me that I should take some time for relaxation..
If I kept wasting my time like that , I am not able to finish my revision..
I just promised to relax but actually I din’t..
Felt sorry to my godbrother as I cheated..
Hope he understand..

Stress !!
It is just like killing me slowly..
I am sure I would “burst” someday..
Or I will crazy one day..
Everytime I try to concentrate, surely there are something that can distract me easily..
Anything is possible..
When can the time pass more faster ,faster till the day I finish my Spm..??

I know there are many people supporting me..
But this make me even scared..
Scared that I would disappoint them..
My future will all gone..
I am so depress..…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cant concentrate !!!

Spm is just around the corner..
I have no confident at all..
I cant even think of an subject that i have most confident on..
I mean confident to score A..

My parents have high expectation on me..
And my aunts..
And my uncles..
And my grandparents too.

I better don think about it !!
Those problems are very annoying..
I don't know what can i say anymore..
That's all..